
Company INSORTEX LLС wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

All of us must do what we have to do: work, inspite of all difficulties, fight with the
challenges of every day. And regardless on actions of neighbor-agressor, to plan next
year. Because winter is the most important time for berries producers, when they must
think about the harvest and expect to its processing. Today our company proposes the
biggest in Ukraine choice of high-quality berry processing equipment: blueberry,
strawberry, raspberry.
Recently our line of products refilled with equipment for sea buckthorn and elderberry
established now on the Ukrainian agro-enterprises. With the producers we look forward to
the next year and the results of the work of this equipment. We’re sure that they will be
comparable with similar import equipment but at Ukrainian price. Because our production
is located in Ukraine, in Poltava city, and has the most modern equipment with
multifunctional possibilities for innovative products creation. Company INSORTEX LLG
provides professional business-consultations: the programs of actions and propositions
depending on selected market and direction of work.
So keep optimism! Next year we wish farmers rich harvests, Ukrainian unbending
agribusiness – to develop.

Call us:
+38 067-577-13-75
Insortex – modern sorting technologies
Insortex – heating, defence industry

2022-12-29 18:12 en